The comfort, safety and security of your pet is of utmost importance to us, for that reason we are particular on the type of crates accepted at the PetLounge.
For a comfortable and secure journey
- Essentials - Pets must have a water bowl in the flight kennel. Absorbent sheets will be placed inside the flight kennel (these absorbent pads can be obtained when renting a flight kennel from BidAir Cargo PetLounge). The animals should be able to stand up with reasonable space between their head and the roof of the crate, they should also be able to comfortably turn around in their crate.
- Inoculation - Puppies and kittens only fly from the age of 8 WEEKS. A VET BOOK must always accompany your animal. See Vaccination-Notice for more details.
Paperwork to bring with you
- All pets - Please bring the original vaccination book with your pet on the day of departure. If the puppy or kitten is under 3 months old, please supply us with a legible copy of the moms updated vaccination records.
- Pregnant Pets - Heavily pregnant animals will not be carried except under exceptional circumstances. This should be accompanied by a letter from your Vet.
Whilst we endeavor to make certain that the above regulation is met, it is the sender’s responsibility to disclose any medical condition your pet might have.
Booking and check-in
- Booking - Please book your pet's flight at least 48 working hours prior to the flight, contact us on 011 230 4600 or email us on
- Domestic Check In - Please check your pet in 2 hours before their flight
- Regional Check In - Please check your pet in 3 hours before their flight
Check in times allow for all procedures to be completed in time for boarding.