A New Beginning For Charlie
Friday, 21 January 2022, was a happy Friday for Charlie, an 8 year old Black-Hooded Parakeet (also known as a Nanday Conure), thanks to Bidair Cargo PetLounge and Birds of Eden!
Charlie was previously kept as a pet in a small cage for the majority of his life. His previous owners were responsible enough to surrender Charlie to the SPCA when they could no longer put up with his ‘noisiness’.
Parrots are intellectual and are very sensitive creatures. Even in ideal conditions, with a parrot being kept in a loving home with frequent attention and interaction from their human companions, with a varied and nutritional diet, and an abundance of mental and physical stimulation, a life in a small and human-modified captive environment does not compare to the freedom living in their natural habitats and an appropriate environment.
Due to being unable to replicate a life similar to that of one they would have in the wild, many pet parrots that are kept alone become lonely and develop behavioural problems and conditions such as anxiety. People often complain about parrots being “too noisy”, which is a parrot’s natural behaviour, and may be exacerbated because of their needs being inadequately met. A parrot will never be a quiet ‘pet’.
Fortunately for Charlie, he has been given another bite at the cherry to a free and happy life.
Bidair Cargo PetLounge Sponsored Charlie’s flight from OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg to the airport in George, where Charlie was collected and taken to Birds of Eden in Plettenberg Bay.
Charlie is now being rehabilitated at Birds of Eden, where he will be exercised and will learn to fly properly, land properly and eat properly before being released into a wild dome covering 2 hectares of natural forest. At Birds of Eden, Charlie will get to socialise with his own kind as well as act out all of his natural behaviours. After 8 years, Charlie has finally received his happy ending.
Thank you Bidair Cargo PetLounge and Birds of Eden for the pivotal roles you have played in Charlie’s happy ending!
Friday, 21 January 2022, was a happy Friday for Charlie, an 8 year old Black-Hooded Parakeet (also known as a Nanday Conure), thanks to Bidair Cargo PetLounge and Birds of Eden!
Charlie was previously kept as a pet in a small cage for the majority of his life. His previous owners were responsible enough to surrender Charlie to the SPCA when they could no longer put up with his ‘noisiness’.
Parrots are intellectual and are very sensitive creatures. Even in ideal conditions, with a parrot being kept in a loving home with frequent attention and interaction from their human companions, with a varied and nutritional diet, and an abundance of mental and physical stimulation, a life in a small and human-modified captive environment does not compare to the freedom living in their natural habitats and an appropriate environment.
Due to being unable to replicate a life similar to that of one they would have in the wild, many pet parrots that are kept alone become lonely and develop behavioural problems and conditions such as anxiety. People often complain about parrots being “too noisy”, which is a parrot’s natural behaviour, and may be exacerbated because of their needs being inadequately met. A parrot will never be a quiet ‘pet’.
Fortunately for Charlie, he has been given another bite at the cherry to a free and happy life.
Bidair Cargo PetLounge Sponsored Charlie’s flight from OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg to the airport in George, where Charlie was collected and taken to Birds of Eden in Plettenberg Bay.
Charlie is now being rehabilitated at Birds of Eden, where he will be exercised and will learn to fly properly, land properly and eat properly before being released into a wild dome covering 2 hectares of natural forest. At Birds of Eden, Charlie will get to socialise with his own kind as well as act out all of his natural behaviours. After 8 years, Charlie has finally received his happy ending.
Thank you Bidair Cargo PetLounge and Birds of Eden for the pivotal roles you have played in Charlie’s happy ending!

Stevie the Friendly Dog
BidAir Cargo PetLounge is very proud to be associated with Stevie. He is one of the friendliest dogs we’ve had in our PetLounges and loves all the attention he gets from our staff. From the first day his owner, Tzilla Yanai, laid eyes on him she knew he was special.
Here is what she has to say about this amazing dog who she is proud to call hers:
We bought “Redient Unique Bombardier”, fondly known as “Stevie” at 5 weeks of age from the world-famous Akita kennel in Russia ” Redient ” as he started to develop, his potential started to show at a very young age. His breeder advised us that Stevie would have a bright showing future, and so we decided to let Stevie campaign in Russia and Europe. In the short time of 2 years, he has achieved more than we ever hoped for in the European show circuits, some of his titles include, Romanian Champion, Belarus Champion and Jnr Champion, Russian Champion and Jnr Champion, Eurasia Jnr Champion, Champion Winner Mazovee Show 2019, Best Puppy in Show – Akita Nationals. We decided in September that now it’s time for Stevie to come to South Africa to continue his very successful show career. Thus far in just under 2 months of Stevie being in South Africa, with thanks to the help of BidAir Cargo PetLounge, as Stevie had to travel to Cape Town, he has achieved his South African Show Champion title and has already made it to 3rd on the leader board of top Kennel Union working dog in SA. He has also ended the Show Year with a bang, winning the highest accolade of being the Best Dog In Show at Pretoria Kennel Club. We so look forward to a promising and exciting show future for Stevie in 2020!
For more info on Stevie and his achievements, visit http://www.showdogs.co.za/ads/topline/tzilla_yanai/tzilla_yanai_stevie.htm
BidAir Cargo PetLounge is very proud to be associated with Stevie. He is one of the friendliest dogs we’ve had in our PetLounges and loves all the attention he gets from our staff. From the first day his owner, Tzilla Yanai, laid eyes on him she knew he was special.
Here is what she has to say about this amazing dog who she is proud to call hers:
We bought “Redient Unique Bombardier”, fondly known as “Stevie” at 5 weeks of age from the world-famous Akita kennel in Russia ” Redient ” as he started to develop, his potential started to show at a very young age. His breeder advised us that Stevie would have a bright showing future, and so we decided to let Stevie campaign in Russia and Europe. In the short time of 2 years, he has achieved more than we ever hoped for in the European show circuits, some of his titles include, Romanian Champion, Belarus Champion and Jnr Champion, Russian Champion and Jnr Champion, Eurasia Jnr Champion, Champion Winner Mazovee Show 2019, Best Puppy in Show – Akita Nationals. We decided in September that now it’s time for Stevie to come to South Africa to continue his very successful show career. Thus far in just under 2 months of Stevie being in South Africa, with thanks to the help of BidAir Cargo PetLounge, as Stevie had to travel to Cape Town, he has achieved his South African Show Champion title and has already made it to 3rd on the leader board of top Kennel Union working dog in SA. He has also ended the Show Year with a bang, winning the highest accolade of being the Best Dog In Show at Pretoria Kennel Club. We so look forward to a promising and exciting show future for Stevie in 2020!
For more info on Stevie and his achievements, visit http://www.showdogs.co.za/ads/topline/tzilla_yanai/tzilla_yanai_stevie.htm
SANParks - K9 Watchdog National Project
Poaching in South Africa’s national parks is a scourge and countering it remains a major conservation challenge. Fortunately, the K9 Anti-Poaching Unit has proved to be a game–changer in the Kruger National Park. During 2017, all encounters with poachers that involved dogs resulted in arrests.
The PetLounge is proud to support SANParks K9 in their endeavours to stamp out poaching. We donated 15 canine transport boxes to be used for the various anti-poaching initiatives throughout the Kruger National Park.
An integral contributor to the success of this unit is the support of the SANParks Honorary Rangers. “When The Petlounge was invited to be part of this vital community initiative we seized the opportunity to help make a difference,” says Muriel Sahd, BidAir Cargo Chief Business Development Officer
Poaching in South Africa’s national parks is a scourge and countering it remains a major conservation challenge. Fortunately, the K9 Anti-Poaching Unit has proved to be a game–changer in the Kruger National Park. During 2017, all encounters with poachers that involved dogs resulted in arrests.
The PetLounge is proud to support SANParks K9 in their endeavours to stamp out poaching. We donated 15 canine transport boxes to be used for the various anti-poaching initiatives throughout the Kruger National Park.
An integral contributor to the success of this unit is the support of the SANParks Honorary Rangers. “When The Petlounge was invited to be part of this vital community initiative we seized the opportunity to help make a difference,” says Muriel Sahd, BidAir Cargo Chief Business Development Officer

The inspiring story of Josie the Dachshund
Every day we are delighted to welcome cute, cuddly, precious pets and their owners at our Petlounge in the major airports. Every animal family member is special and cherished and we encounter many unforgettable characters.
It was love at first sight for our Cape Town International Airport PetLounge staff when Josie the Dachshund rolled through the doors for her journey to Johannesburg. Josie has mobility issues and was fitted with a small wheelchair for assistance with her movement. So it was essential for this to be accommodated in her specially-designed travel crate.
Josie and her sister Milly were very active doggies who would normally run around the house having an absolute ball. One day Josie suddenly became paralysed. She had an operation to try and restore mobility, followed by water therapy but sadly neither course of action was successful.
Although Josie has not walked again, it hasn’t stopped her enjoying life and achieving fame. Wherever she goes, she works her way into people’s hearts and everyone wants to spoil her. She is one of the friendliest dogs and her owner says she loves the attention.
Josie’s therapist mentioned the case to Animal Talk Magazine for using her in one of the articles and she was referred to Frontline for a TV advertisement in Germany. Naturally, this little winner Josie got the part!
“I know a lot of people feel sorry for her but trust me she’s living life to the fullest,” says Tammy, Josie’s mom.
It was a privilege for The Petlounge to make Josie’s journey comfortable, speedy and safe, wheelchair and all. We wish her a well-deserved long and happy life.
Every day we are delighted to welcome cute, cuddly, precious pets and their owners at our Petlounge in the major airports. Every animal family member is special and cherished and we encounter many unforgettable characters.
It was love at first sight for our Cape Town International Airport PetLounge staff when Josie the Dachshund rolled through the doors for her journey to Johannesburg. Josie has mobility issues and was fitted with a small wheelchair for assistance with her movement. So it was essential for this to be accommodated in her specially-designed travel crate.
Josie and her sister Milly were very active doggies who would normally run around the house having an absolute ball. One day Josie suddenly became paralysed. She had an operation to try and restore mobility, followed by water therapy but sadly neither course of action was successful.
Although Josie has not walked again, it hasn’t stopped her enjoying life and achieving fame. Wherever she goes, she works her way into people’s hearts and everyone wants to spoil her. She is one of the friendliest dogs and her owner says she loves the attention.
Josie’s therapist mentioned the case to Animal Talk Magazine for using her in one of the articles and she was referred to Frontline for a TV advertisement in Germany. Naturally, this little winner Josie got the part!
“I know a lot of people feel sorry for her but trust me she’s living life to the fullest,” says Tammy, Josie’s mom.
It was a privilege for The Petlounge to make Josie’s journey comfortable, speedy and safe, wheelchair and all. We wish her a well-deserved long and happy life.
Introducing Mr Miyagee
Mr Miyagee is no ordinary dog… He is a 1yr old Chocolate Tri-Colour Longcoat Chihuahua…Small, but Mighty! On his Journey travelling the world, he inspires a nation as the Ambassador of Pet Mall SA’s Dare 2 Care Campaign with a story of Courage, Bravery, Respect, and Unconditional love. He is a certified Emotional support pet to an 8yr old boy and trained therapy dog. In his free time, he enjoys participating in Dog Shows, posing as a model for various brands and campaigns, doing reviews as Pet food, nutrition, wellness, toy, and accessory blogger, he loves acting in front of the TV cameras, plus he is a well-known and loved public figure as an advocate against bullying in schools and animal abuse. Nicknamed, Il Piccolo Cucciolo di Cioccolato (The little chocolate puppy) with a heart and soul as big and Mighty as a Lions’. For more information, please visit Mr Miyagee on social Media: Facebook – @MrMiyagee Instagram – @mrmiyageesa
Mr Miyagee is no ordinary dog… He is a 1yr old Chocolate Tri-Colour Longcoat Chihuahua…Small, but Mighty! On his Journey travelling the world, he inspires a nation as the Ambassador of Pet Mall SA’s Dare 2 Care Campaign with a story of Courage, Bravery, Respect, and Unconditional love. He is a certified Emotional support pet to an 8yr old boy and trained therapy dog. In his free time, he enjoys participating in Dog Shows, posing as a model for various brands and campaigns, doing reviews as Pet food, nutrition, wellness, toy, and accessory blogger, he loves acting in front of the TV cameras, plus he is a well-known and loved public figure as an advocate against bullying in schools and animal abuse. Nicknamed, Il Piccolo Cucciolo di Cioccolato (The little chocolate puppy) with a heart and soul as big and Mighty as a Lions’. For more information, please visit Mr Miyagee on social Media: Facebook – @MrMiyagee Instagram – @mrmiyageesa

Sylvester take a joyride to the Cape
The CoGH SPCA Wildlife Facility was very excited, and a little surprised to be honest, to find themselves face to face with a rather unusual visitor in late September. It turned out Sylvester Stallone (aka Rocky) had accidentally hitched a ride on a truck and found himself on a journey from Kwa- Zulu Natal all the way to the Western Cape. Now we’re not talking about the international
actor and jet-setter but rather a smaller, but no less impressive beast, commonly known as a Rock Monitor Lizard. Our Wildlife Department responded to this wayward traveler’s situation by bringing him back to our facility to be properly cared for during his stay with us – Sylvester was kept in a quiet and peaceful temperature-controlled room and provided with an array of food options. Sadly, Sylvester isn’t really suited for the dry Cape and he needed to get back to a more tropical climate as soon as possible. Inspector Minette Pieterse noted that he just wasn’t feeling himself and had lost interest in eating most likely due to his stressful travel mishap. Rock Monitors are not indigenous to Cape Town and Sylvester’s only chance at freedom, and of course, finding some friends of his own kind would be to return him to his native habitat in KZN. Friends at CROW (Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife), have kindly offered to give him a home for a while and once he has been given a clean bill of health, they will ensure that he is released back into the wild where he so rightly belongs.
On hearing about Sylvester’s plight the team from Bid Air Cargo immediately leaped to his aid, offering him first-class flights back home that even the real Stallone would approve of. Thanks to their generous help he now has a real chance at successful rehabilitation and release. A special thanks to Jacques Le Roux from Pet Port for the tailor-made crate provided to safely transport Sylvester on his flight. Thanks to Bid Air Cargo’s animal-loving team, Sylvester boarded his VIP flight on Friday, 12th of October at 17:00 and was back in his rightful birthplace by nightfall
The CoGH SPCA Wildlife Facility was very excited, and a little surprised to be honest, to find themselves face to face with a rather unusual visitor in late September. It turned out Sylvester Stallone (aka Rocky) had accidentally hitched a ride on a truck and found himself on a journey from Kwa- Zulu Natal all the way to the Western Cape. Now we’re not talking about the international
actor and jet-setter but rather a smaller, but no less impressive beast, commonly known as a Rock Monitor Lizard. Our Wildlife Department responded to this wayward traveler’s situation by bringing him back to our facility to be properly cared for during his stay with us – Sylvester was kept in a quiet and peaceful temperature-controlled room and provided with an array of food options. Sadly, Sylvester isn’t really suited for the dry Cape and he needed to get back to a more tropical climate as soon as possible. Inspector Minette Pieterse noted that he just wasn’t feeling himself and had lost interest in eating most likely due to his stressful travel mishap. Rock Monitors are not indigenous to Cape Town and Sylvester’s only chance at freedom, and of course, finding some friends of his own kind would be to return him to his native habitat in KZN. Friends at CROW (Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife), have kindly offered to give him a home for a while and once he has been given a clean bill of health, they will ensure that he is released back into the wild where he so rightly belongs.
On hearing about Sylvester’s plight the team from Bid Air Cargo immediately leaped to his aid, offering him first-class flights back home that even the real Stallone would approve of. Thanks to their generous help he now has a real chance at successful rehabilitation and release. A special thanks to Jacques Le Roux from Pet Port for the tailor-made crate provided to safely transport Sylvester on his flight. Thanks to Bid Air Cargo’s animal-loving team, Sylvester boarded his VIP flight on Friday, 12th of October at 17:00 and was back in his rightful birthplace by nightfall
The Story of Little Kira
When a distressed tiny, eight-week-old female baby baboon in the Southern Cape needed to travel for special care and attention in Gauteng, The PetLounge stepped up and took charge, reports Chivonne Pretorius, Operations Manager.
“We would like to sincerely thank BidAir Cargo for flying Kira, the baby baboon, from George to OR Tambo International Airport at no cost. Not only was this generous, but the care given to little Kira whilst in transit was incredible. The service we received from beginning to end, was incredibly professional and efficient and the staff provided friendly support. BidAir Cargo – you are heroes! Without you and your generous support, the beginning of Kira’s journey to freedom would not have been possible.” -NSPCA – National Council of SPCAs
The story began when a member of the public found baby Kira hiding under a bush on a farm near Leeu Gamka. There were no other baboons nearby. Kira was taken to the Karoo SPCA where Inspector du Plessis arranged for a local veterinarian to examine her. Kira was reasonably healthy but underweight and dehydrated. The Inspector contacted the NSPCA Wildlife Protection Unit who advised that since there were no rehabilitation facilities close by she should travel to Gauteng to start her road to recovery.
After Cape Nature approved the necessary permits, Kira was able to fly from George PetLounge to the PetLounge at O R Tambo International Airport where the Manager of the Wildlife Unit was waiting to take her to the Rehabilitation Centre. BidAir Cargo Branch Manager at George, Marthinus Wagman, and Inspector du Plessis took every care to ensure Kira was comfortable and safe for her flight.
When a distressed tiny, eight-week-old female baby baboon in the Southern Cape needed to travel for special care and attention in Gauteng, The PetLounge stepped up and took charge, reports Chivonne Pretorius, Operations Manager.
“We would like to sincerely thank BidAir Cargo for flying Kira, the baby baboon, from George to OR Tambo International Airport at no cost. Not only was this generous, but the care given to little Kira whilst in transit was incredible. The service we received from beginning to end, was incredibly professional and efficient and the staff provided friendly support. BidAir Cargo – you are heroes! Without you and your generous support, the beginning of Kira’s journey to freedom would not have been possible.” -NSPCA – National Council of SPCAs
The story began when a member of the public found baby Kira hiding under a bush on a farm near Leeu Gamka. There were no other baboons nearby. Kira was taken to the Karoo SPCA where Inspector du Plessis arranged for a local veterinarian to examine her. Kira was reasonably healthy but underweight and dehydrated. The Inspector contacted the NSPCA Wildlife Protection Unit who advised that since there were no rehabilitation facilities close by she should travel to Gauteng to start her road to recovery.
After Cape Nature approved the necessary permits, Kira was able to fly from George PetLounge to the PetLounge at O R Tambo International Airport where the Manager of the Wildlife Unit was waiting to take her to the Rehabilitation Centre. BidAir Cargo Branch Manager at George, Marthinus Wagman, and Inspector du Plessis took every care to ensure Kira was comfortable and safe for her flight.

Alfreda the Rockhopper
Alfreda is a Northern rockhopper penguin and was found at Rufane’s River in Port Alfred on 17 January 2018. She was a juvenile at the time and had just started her first moult. Alfreda’s species originates from Gough Island and the Tristan da Cunha group of islands, which are over 3,000km from Port Elizabeth so she was a long way from home. It’s likely that Afreda was picked up by a fishing boat and kept on board but then put overboard once South African waters were reached. SANCCOB Port Elizabeth was called upon to receive her and she was diagnosed with a chest infection so the best way forward was to have her rehabilitated at SANCCOB’s Cape Town centre.
A drive would just be too long and stressful for Alfreda and all that followed was one request to BidAir Cargo PetLounge and a few days later, she was safe and sound at SANCCOB’s Table View Centre in Cape Town. Alfreda is still in Cape Town because of the risk that she may have picked up pathogens that her colony has not been exposed to and therefore cannot fight off. SANCCOB shared, “It’s because of supporters like BidAir Cargo PetLounge that SANCCOB is able to continue its conservation efforts and strive toward ending seabird extinction in southern Africa.
"Thank you from the SANCCOB team!”
Alfreda is a Northern rockhopper penguin and was found at Rufane’s River in Port Alfred on 17 January 2018. She was a juvenile at the time and had just started her first moult. Alfreda’s species originates from Gough Island and the Tristan da Cunha group of islands, which are over 3,000km from Port Elizabeth so she was a long way from home. It’s likely that Afreda was picked up by a fishing boat and kept on board but then put overboard once South African waters were reached. SANCCOB Port Elizabeth was called upon to receive her and she was diagnosed with a chest infection so the best way forward was to have her rehabilitated at SANCCOB’s Cape Town centre.
A drive would just be too long and stressful for Alfreda and all that followed was one request to BidAir Cargo PetLounge and a few days later, she was safe and sound at SANCCOB’s Table View Centre in Cape Town. Alfreda is still in Cape Town because of the risk that she may have picked up pathogens that her colony has not been exposed to and therefore cannot fight off. SANCCOB shared, “It’s because of supporters like BidAir Cargo PetLounge that SANCCOB is able to continue its conservation efforts and strive toward ending seabird extinction in southern Africa.
"Thank you from the SANCCOB team!”
Edward Flipperhands
Meet Edward Flipper Hands, a beautiful Sub-Antarctic Fur Seal. He needed to get to Port Elizabeth urgently for rehabilitation at the Bayworld Oceanarium – the only NSPCA approved facility that can help him experience the freedom of the ocean again. Edward has been at our short term wildlife rehabilitation centre for almost 4 months. The young pup was washed up on the beach following a storm at sea which separated him from his mother. There is no doubt that he would have died had it not been for our intervention. He was really malnourished upon arrival and it took significant commitment on the part of our staff to get Edward eating and thriving. Naturally, this amount of human interaction coupled with the fact that Edward has never hunted for his own food, leaves us seriously concerned that he would deteriorate and be at significant risk if we were to simple release him back to the ocean. Edward is also far from home as this specific species of seal are only occasional visitors to our shores – so even if Edward thrives on his own, he is not likely to meet another of his kind in the near future. Bayworld in Port Elizabeth currently have 2 Sub-Antarctic Seals who will be invaluable to Edward’s rehabilitation process. These 2 seals are also being rehabilitated and will be returned to their natural habitat together with Edward when they are ready. This is so important because they will be able to teach Edward to hunt and feed and behave essentially like a seal would in the wild. We have searched for alternative options but unfortunately, this is Edward’s only chance at freedom! BidAir Cargo Petlounge transported Edward from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth via air transportation in their very own aluminium crates specifically designed for the safe travel of animals via air travel. He enjoyed his flight and was very relaxed when he arrived in Port Elizabeth. He was a natural in front of the camera, posing for each picture, and enjoyed all the attention he received. Thank you to British Airways – Comair who sponsored a return flight for Connor, a member of SPCA’s Inspectorate team, who ensured his welfare every step of the way. “As BidAir Cargo PetLounge we work with different kinds of animals on a daily basis. Upon hearing Edward’s story, we immediately jumped at the opportunity to assist and can recall seeing him for the first time that he was really special. As BidAir Cargo PetLounge, getting involved was a no-brainer as we care for our VIP’s (Very Important Pets) and the animals are our top priority when they fly with us. We always ensure our clients that “They’re in good hands”. “
Meet Edward Flipper Hands, a beautiful Sub-Antarctic Fur Seal. He needed to get to Port Elizabeth urgently for rehabilitation at the Bayworld Oceanarium – the only NSPCA approved facility that can help him experience the freedom of the ocean again. Edward has been at our short term wildlife rehabilitation centre for almost 4 months. The young pup was washed up on the beach following a storm at sea which separated him from his mother. There is no doubt that he would have died had it not been for our intervention. He was really malnourished upon arrival and it took significant commitment on the part of our staff to get Edward eating and thriving. Naturally, this amount of human interaction coupled with the fact that Edward has never hunted for his own food, leaves us seriously concerned that he would deteriorate and be at significant risk if we were to simple release him back to the ocean. Edward is also far from home as this specific species of seal are only occasional visitors to our shores – so even if Edward thrives on his own, he is not likely to meet another of his kind in the near future. Bayworld in Port Elizabeth currently have 2 Sub-Antarctic Seals who will be invaluable to Edward’s rehabilitation process. These 2 seals are also being rehabilitated and will be returned to their natural habitat together with Edward when they are ready. This is so important because they will be able to teach Edward to hunt and feed and behave essentially like a seal would in the wild. We have searched for alternative options but unfortunately, this is Edward’s only chance at freedom! BidAir Cargo Petlounge transported Edward from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth via air transportation in their very own aluminium crates specifically designed for the safe travel of animals via air travel. He enjoyed his flight and was very relaxed when he arrived in Port Elizabeth. He was a natural in front of the camera, posing for each picture, and enjoyed all the attention he received. Thank you to British Airways – Comair who sponsored a return flight for Connor, a member of SPCA’s Inspectorate team, who ensured his welfare every step of the way. “As BidAir Cargo PetLounge we work with different kinds of animals on a daily basis. Upon hearing Edward’s story, we immediately jumped at the opportunity to assist and can recall seeing him for the first time that he was really special. As BidAir Cargo PetLounge, getting involved was a no-brainer as we care for our VIP’s (Very Important Pets) and the animals are our top priority when they fly with us. We always ensure our clients that “They’re in good hands”. “

2017 Durban Dog Show
The shows were hosted by the Zululand Kennel Club and Northern Natal Kennel Club at the Ashley Sports Ground in Durban and were attended by different dog breeders.
We had a very successful dog show and a warm welcome from the organisers and customers alike. All the clients we spoke to have used us before and continue to use our services for the transportation of their pets.
Two very excited winners each received 50% discount vouchers.
The shows were hosted by the Zululand Kennel Club and Northern Natal Kennel Club at the Ashley Sports Ground in Durban and were attended by different dog breeders.
We had a very successful dog show and a warm welcome from the organisers and customers alike. All the clients we spoke to have used us before and continue to use our services for the transportation of their pets.
Two very excited winners each received 50% discount vouchers.